Refresh Devotional Day 4 — The Soul Restorer

lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 04, 2021


“… He restores my soul.”

— Psalm 23:3


It is a wonderful experience to have a restored soul; it is difficult to live with a soul that needs restoring. King David learned that one of the Lord’s ministries was soul restoration. The work of repairing and renewing our inner person is one of our Lord’s specialties. He ministers to us by taking what has been tarnished and ravaged by time or events and making it new again. Jesus takes us from being broken down to the place of restoration.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus proved he had the power of restoration. He restored the man’s withered hand in the Synagogue of Capernaum (Mk 3:1-6). He restored ten lepers with a word (Lk 17:11-18). His power went out to the bleeding woman, and she was made well (Mk 5:24-34).

Jesus not only restored broken bodies, he also brought wholeness to broken souls. Many things break our souls. Sin breaks us down. The woman caught in adultery was broken and humiliated. As she faced her sin in the public forum, facing possible death, Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more” (Jn 8:11, KJV). She was restored with his compassion and love. She went home free from condemnation.

As sin breaks down your soul, so does failure. The woman at the well was a failure at relationships. “You have had five husbands and the man you have now is not your husband” (Jn 4:18). Jesus offered her living water. She recognized who Jesus is and her need to turn from her sin. Her soul was restored. This wholeness from her encounter with Jesus opened the way for her to become a prime influencer in her community. This woman—along with the others mentioned in today’s meditation—could testify, “He restored my soul.” He took what was broken and made it whole. He took what was sick and made it well. He took what was hopeless and gave a miracle.

We must remember Jesus’ restoration work is very personal. “He restores my soul,” wrote David (emphasis mine). We often see the Lord restore the souls of others but consider our case beyond his powers of restoration. David found God able in his very real life brokenness.

Is your soul a restoration project? Put the Carpenter from Nazareth in charge of the work. Invite him to bring wholeness to your diminished soul.


Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, renew what has been tattered by sin and failure.