Refresh Devotional Day 25 — Soul Nutrition lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 25, 2021

Chapter 4 — Choices


Every day is filled with them. From the cereal we have for breakfast to the clothes we wear to how we will treat the people we meet, each day is filled with...

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Refresh Devotional Day 24 — Guidance Guaranteed lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 24, 2021


“For this God is our God for ever and ever;

he will be our guide even to the end.”

Psalm 48:14


Everyone needs it; everyone seeks it at some time in their life. In our...

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Refresh Devotional Day 23 — Sufficient Grace lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 23, 2021


“My grace is sufficient for you.”

2 Corinthians 12:9


The scriptures teach us that there are two types of grace.

The first is grace for salvation, where we are saved by...

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Refresh Devotional Day 22 — God Unlimited lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 22, 2021


“I AM.”

Exodus 3:14


God-given dreams often lie dormant for so long that we come to believe they are dead. We become convinced that it is impossible for them to be...

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Refresh Devotional Day 21 — The Shepherd lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 21, 2021


“The Lord is my Shepherd.”

Psalm 23:1


A shepherd’s work is to give complete care to the sheep. He is totally focused on the well-being of the sheep. He leads them...

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Refresh Devotional Day 20 — The Noisy Multitude lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 20, 2021


“In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.”

Psalm 94:19 NKJV


These words remind us of two realities.

The first is the noisy crowd of...

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Refresh Devotional Day 19 — God’s Security System lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 19, 2021


“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.”

Psalm 3:5


The terrors of the night torment many believers.

Night terrors may be small anxieties that...

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Refresh Devotional Day 18 — The Sparrow’s Secret lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 18, 2021


“So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Matthew 10:31


The possibility of hurtful things happening to us at the hands of other people can...

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Refresh Devotional Day 17 — Why are you so afraid? lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 17, 2021

Chapter 3 — Trust


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart…”

Proverbs 3:5a


We all live by faith. We exercise trust every day, most often without even being...

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Refresh Devotional Day 16 — Cataract Surgery lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 16, 2021


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood.”

Ephesians 6:12


We as humans tend to see our struggles only on an earthly level. We often view conflicts with those who...

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Refresh Devotional Day 15 — Superman lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 15, 2021


“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty.”

Zechariah 4:6


There seems to be a natural human inclination to be a superman or superwoman. We...

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Refresh Devotional Day 14 — No Surprises lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 14, 2021


“He knows the way that I take.”

Job 23:10


There are days when what we believe in our heads needs to inform what we feel in our hearts. This is especially true when we...

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